Monday, December 18, 2006

Just Christmas Stuff, I Guess

I currently have six pans of fudge sitting in a dumpster. I don't want to talk about it.

Once again, my lovely roommate has taken the Christmas season by the throat and loudly proclaimed its presence with a beautiful tree and sparkly lights and decorations. We have a fire place, too. You might be thinking to yourself that this sounds quite magical. Perhaps you imagine yourself sprawled on a rug with a nicely chilled glass of eggnog (sent from heaven itself) and a book that you have been meaning to read for quite some time.

Um, yeah, no. I don't think of that.

I see all of that and get angry. Angry because I don't have TIME to enjoy the season. Angry because something as festive and fun as a baking swap sapped all of my energy and made me want to cry. I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet! My calendar is filled with functions and phone calls and practices and meetings. My best friends have become This, That, and Other.

I'd like to know where I plan to "fit in" the baby Jesus. I've been thinking more about what to buy people (and WHEN) than I have about a birth that I claim to be the basis of what I believe in. A thought hit me in church on Sunday: Do I really care about this birth? Cuz I sure don't seem to.

I don't even know if I'm bothered by my lack of caring, and that worries me.


Anonymous said...

maybe it's not a bad thing that you're not skilled in the baking department, since you don't even have a cookie jar to put stuff in. just a thought.

Bott said...

Nice to see that you commented, "anonymous". I'm not sure how you knew I didn't have a cookie jar - I've never seen the point because my cookies would never make it there anyway (for various reasons).

Anonymous said...

it wasn't me if that is what you are thinking:) vg

Dawn & Stew said...

I think that it is by pure obligation that people buy too much at Christmas. In our fam- the gift of fellowship far exceeds monitary gifts. This, of course, has come out of many tragedies (recent and in the past) that have given us perspective and in turn thankfulness for what we have (in family, in life, in health, in Christ).- I am not saying that you should not give gifts- if that is your thing(love languages and all that jazz)- even a little something can say a lot!