Friday, December 22, 2006

Finally Freakin' Friday

Do you ever have those days where when you finally sit down your body literally hums? Or buzzes? Or seems to still be moving even though you've technically stopped? Well, I've logged quite a few of those days lately. In fact, as I sit here, my torso is in a constant state of moving in a circular motion, yet my eyelids have slowed their blinking to half-time.

Oh the joys of the final Friday.

I was thinking about this entry as I drove home tonight. I could write out all the crazy things that happened today, from the time I got to the school at an ungodly hour to begin the pancake breakfast, to the time we had a theft at the skating rink, to the time I frisked students and discovered that kids carry the oddest things in their purses (a crimper to the skating rink???), to the blessing of Sleeman's, and to the point where I dragged my sorry rearness through the bustling stores, wishing I still had my travel mug of coffee and Bailey's and also a stick to knock people out with so I could take their spots in line. (wow, it sure sounds like I'm a violent alcoholic, but I assure you this only happens at Christmas) However, I would wager that most of us had a nutty day today. I can feel it in the air. I can hear the exclamations of shock and see people's eyes widen and their mouths make a big fat ooooooooooo when they realize that tomorrow is Christmas Eve Eve. Yikes!

I'm braving the dreaded, treacherous Coquihalla highway tomorrow morn (soulement avec moi-meme). I have a shopping date with my brother, and some serious Christmas action planned with the rest of the family. Buuuuut, I have to get there first, after I pack my dirty laundry (naturally, cuz Mommy's washing machine gear is inside the house, whereas mine is NOT), after I shower, after I track down all the presents I've purchased, after I clean up my mess in the kitchen, after I get my oil changed, and after I remember to take all of my "baking" out of the freezer to pawn off to the relatives. I'm hoping to leave at 11:00am.

I'm an optimist by nature.

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