Thursday, January 18, 2007

Lotsa Ice With a Wedge of Lime, Please

I had a bit of an adventure on the way to school this morning. You may remember that it was snowing. Well, it all started when the traffic was crazy backed up, cars were in the ditch everywhere, big trucks were stranded at the bottom of a hill, and I was forced to stop my little Cavaliere mid-hill. Behind a mini-van. Naturally, the van couldn't move an inch up that hill, so, being the nice gal I am (and because I have immense muscles), I put on my hazard lights, stepped out of my car, and proceeded to help push the van. The driver of the van was a mother (big shocker, there), and she put her twelve-year-old son in the driver's seat and told him to just put his foot on the gas as we pushed. Brilliant. Imagine a soccer mom and a frazzled teacher pushing a van while a line up of cars is behind us on the hill, waiting for us and watching our every move as a young boy slams his foot on the gas pedal. Joy was added to the situation when the mother and I couldn't get any grip on the road because it was a sheet of ice. We were grunting, and sliding, and laughing, and covering ourselves in the mud splash that was all over the back of the van (and I accidentally wiped my hands on my beige dress pants - nasty habit). Finally, one of the dads from our school stopped to help us push, and then another dad stopped and helped, too. Then the happy little mini-van duo was able to continue on its way. The helpful daddys also pushed my car, and I was able to make it to school seconds before the second bell. The end.


I'm trying to familiarize myself with my blog. I'm slow. Eventually I'll get some real pictures on this thing, but until I comandeer my special nerd and learn about the wonderful world of flickr, I'm gonna just keep telling you that I have pictures coming. Now if that doesn't make for interesting reading material, I don't know what does.

I added a splash of colour to the top corner of the page, though. The very smart and handy boyfriend is also quite the interior decorator. He suggested a lemon or a lime wedge would brighten things up around here. And he was correct.

This here lime to the right was a close runner-up to the highly coveted lime pedestal on my page. It just makes me want to touch it (and let's face it, it does lend itself well to being in the limelight). I wish I had one of these. I would put myself in a dark room, pop it in my mouth and see if a green glow came out my nostrils. That would be so rad.


Anonymous said...

Putting the top of a flashlight in your mouth is almost as good as a glowing lime. it makes your ckeeks turn red and glowy. glowy i like that word. does it exist?

Anonymous said...

i keep trying to tell people, pants are more trouble than they're worth. i just don't know why people bother.