Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Don't you just

love it when you eat something, swallow it, and then still get to enjoy the bits that remain stuck in your teeth?

Right now I'm still experiencing the aftermath of my sea salt & HINT OF LIME tortilla chips. I would wager, however, that they are not nearly as enjoyable as the lingering hints of: candy canes, blue whales, caramel, Swedish berries, or butterscotch Livesavers.

Even now, minutes later, I'm still finding chips in my cheeks and my many molars. Seriously, how much stuff can be hidden in this mouth of mine? (don't answer that)


Anonymous said...

i sometimes take away great enjoyment from a good burp a few hours after a big mac. it's amazing... like you've just swallowed another bite. i know that's not quite what you're talking about here... but.. you know. just thought i'd share.

T.I.Houghton said...

I often enjoy the hour after eating a bowl of Red River cereal. You know, the kind that has 3000 different grains in it. It's such a feeling of satisfaction to finally get that last piece of flax from between your first and second bicuspid.

bradj said...

Yes, yes, I just love it when...hang on a tick -- blue whales!?!

Now there's a girl who knows how to *snack*!