Thursday, April 12, 2007

Chasing Cars

I listen to the radio in my car most days. It's true. You see, I only have a tape deck and all the tapes I have are so old they are covered in some ancient sticky muck (most likely spilled rootbeer). Now that I've more fully embraced the technological age, however, I have an Ipod Nano thingamajigger. It's great, except that I have to carefully balance it on my leg while driving (and the thing ALWAYS falls off -- sometimes under my feet and I almost die as I reach down to retrieve it), make sure the little radio transmitter thing is attached properly, and sometimes the sound gets all crackly. Plus, I'm lazy. If I'm just driving to work or the store, I don't usually bother with the whole ordeal.

(That's a long introduction. I think I felt the need to explain why I listen to the radio, because it's clearly not because they play good music. Plus, I'm a bit of a music snob and have long snubbed radio consumption so I wanted to clear up my hypocrisy -- or at least justify it a little.)

Something rare and hateful happened as I was driving home from work today. Usually I get in my car and cringe a little once I remember that the radio is playing. I mean, hearing "Sexy Back" once in a day is bad enough, never mind twice or thrice in one day. Today was a three time winner for Justin. So, when my ears did hear the sounds of ---wait for it--- a good song on the radio, I almost pooped my pants right there in my car seat. Once I recovered from my shock, a smile found its way to my face for the first time in many hours. Finally, one of those rare nuggests of bliss paddled through my ear canals ever so gently, ever so sweetly. Except, it was pretty much when I arrived at my house. Journey's end. Curses!

I did what any sane person would do when something wonderful like "Chasing Cars" finally travels the air waves. I sat in my car on the street in front of my house and listened and sang along at the top of my lungs for the duration of the song. A neighbour was taking his garbage cans back from the curb and smiled at me. The car was warm, my heart was lifted, and I wanted to just sit there and forget the world. Forget what we're told, before we get too old, and just sit in my car that's bursting with mold.

Eventually the song ended and I had to get out. I had to face the cold wind on my bare legs, realize that pee was bursting in my bladder, confront a sink of dirty dishes, and attack armies of paper with only red ink.

Except now I carried something with me. And I'm still humming.

P.S. Speaking of cars and moments, Andy and I encountered quite an event while travelling home from Easter. It's captured on video for your viewing pleasure. The catch is I don't know how to upload it to Blogger and whatnot, so I'll have to get that figured out first. So, stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

confession: i've been flipping over to the country station lately. The Life is a Highway cover by the Rascal Flats is nice! And there are other songs that make me smile too. There's a cleverness in country music that seems to be missing in pop right now.

don't poop in the car. even if it's a poop of delight. you might not be able to smell rotting pumpkins.

Anonymous said...

due to the fact that i almost always have three controlling guys in the car with me i have long since given up on ever getting to sit in the front seat or control the radio. sigh. i never get the TV remote either.

funny story- my three year old cousin broke his wrist today jumping off the coffee table, and two months ago his eighteen month old brother broke his elbow jumping off the same coffee table. my solution- get rid of the coffe table!