Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dancing in the Street

Video Preamble:
I am feeling a little blechhh today, and so needed some cheering up. Whenever this happens, I have a few options: play piano/guitar, read, have a bath, read Bible, go for a run, lay on couch and moan, or look up funny stuff on the internet. Today I opted for funny stuff. I'd like to share with you an oldie but a goodie of a music video that my students re-introduced to me the other day. I enjoy it immensely, and I'm sure you will too. I like to picture myself bustin' a groove in the background wearing a brilliantly hideous purple poofy polyester shirt and a housecoat.

All right, so I just spent a few minutes getting myself a YouTube account so that I could post that music video. But, well, I don't know where it went. The YouTube "people" promised me that it would appear on my blog "shortly," but I DON'T SEE IT ANYWHERE. Bastards.

So, I'm going to have to show you this SWEET video the old-fashioned way. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

hee hee... Jagger's shirt pockets kinda look like boobies around 2'20''

joytothehurled said...

Are you this lovely girl I hear about that's planning to live wackily ever after with Chubs? Hello! Nice to, uh, e-meet you. The fact that you link to my blog and name that link "Someone I Don't Know" warms the cockles of my heart.

I actually just met, as in you-have-a-real-face-i-have-a-real-face, Chublin/Andrew last week. It was delightful and long overdue. Hopefully I'll get to meet you too.