Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Grand Return

Can I get away with saying that I forgot I had a blog? And that I just happened to stumble upon it, like, just this second? Would anyone believe me? Could my previous track record of brain farts carry my excuse that far?

Yes. The answer is yes.

The truth is, I have made one of those resolutions that I usually never make. I hate starting off the year doomed to failure. Over the holidays, Andy and I sat in a little restaurant called The Blue Fox and proclaimed our resolutions to each other over breakfast and hot bevvies with the optimism that only New Year's Day can bring. Our ideas carried us beyond this year and into the next years, until I found myself wrapped up in a soft grey blanket (with my socked feet sticking out) on a veranda overlooking the water somewhere. I like those conversations. And I like dreaming with someone who will be with me through all my resolutions.

As for this year's resolution, you've probably guessed it by now: resurrect this lonely little text box and feed it words from time to time. I do have stories to tell, moments that demand recording. I do have some words in my possession (but apparently some aren't even REAL, as I recently learned playing Scrabble --who knew that "rex" and "lez" aren't legit words?).

And so, it is with great pleasure, and a little trepidation, that I open this blog for 2008. Scissors, please.


bradj said...

Oh man, my heart just skipped a beat. I had to blow off the dust and sweep off the cobwebs from that corner of my RSS aggregator. But there it was clear as slightly less dusty cobwebs -- Bott's got a new post!

I honour your resolution, and offer this comment to encourage you in it!

Deb said...

All I have to say is....

I've missed you. Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

So what were you suppose to be doing when you were writing your blog?

laurakins said...

Hurray!!! I am so glad you are resolved to blog more frequently! (I missed you)