Thursday, November 30, 2006

Amazing at Nothing

Today was snow day. Wheeeeeee! No school today = opportunity to catch up on a LOT of work.

Technically speaking, I did do a LOT today. I remained in my bed until a ridiculous hour, pondering life and time and love - all noble pursuits. I drank vast amounts of hot beverages (which was followed, naturally, by even larger amounts of urine), I tootled around on some musical instruments, I painted some toe nails (then had to clean up the disaster I created), I did some long overdue scribbling in my journal, I went through my old CDs and rediscovered Ralph Shaw (complete with ukulele, chromatic harmonica, banjo, and whistling), I made some phone calls, I internetted, and I exercised by periodically walking around my house and jumping up and down with glee.

However, when I look back on my day, I realize that, well, some (like mothers or stern people like that) might say that not a lot has been accomplished. Somehow the day has been swallowed by The Nothing. But I can't help but ask myself, what or who defines accomplishment, anyway? Pfffffffffffffffffft.

This is what I say to "accomplishment":

That's right, Neo, you show 'em how it's done.
(Ah, but don't tell my students I think this way, 'else there'd be hell to pay...)


Anonymous said...

you say it best after you've done nothing at all. looks like a fine way to kill a day.

Dawn & Stew said...

Okay, I kinda take offence to what you said about mothers (being kill-joys and all) 'cause, I'm a mother of two in fact- and that is how I spend my days too!!! (well, that is between my feeding, diapering, clothing, playing and educating my children first)

I love ya Cheryl. There is NOTHING wrong with a "down" day.

Anonymous said...

I never thought I would agree with this opinion, but I’m starting to see things differently.