Thursday, June 14, 2007


So many people are planning on wearing bells to our wedding.

How odd.

1) I mean, I guess bells can be fashionable -- Santa (not Satan, although sometimes I think there is a connection between them: they both wear red a lot) has been wearing bells of all shapes and sizes for decades.
2) And, well, Andy and I are both quite musical, so it is fitting.
3) Lately I've been fiddling with all sorts of bells and whistles, too, so maybe people think I really like bells or something.
4) Plus, I'm a teacher and my entire day is pretty much determined by, yes, bells again.
5) As you may have noticed, bell is also a fun/weird word if you say (read, write) it over and over and over again. There is a labialized l sound in there, I think.

Fine [exasperated sigh]. If you want to wear bells to our wedding, I'm all for it. I love symbolism.

It might be weird if people wore whistles, though (oh, but I do whistle while I work, so I guess there is a connection there).


bradj said...

No matter who wears what, you'll still be the bell(e) of the ball! :-)

Anonymous said...

I don't know BradJ, but I know Cheryl, and I bet that bell pun tickled your fancy something fierce!

I've decided that, in fact, at your suggestion, I am going to arrive at your wedding in whistles. I already can't wait.

Good luck with the marking, lady! Our imposed early deadlines have made it so that all I have left are exams (I'm procrastinating from them RIGHT NOW), and I'm sad for you to still have them hanging over your head. Be strong, bott! Soon you will be done with the troubles of this world...


bradj said...

If you're who I think you are D., we have met. If not, we'll meet at the upcoming wedding. :-)

This is going to be quite the event if it's going to rid Bott of all of her troubles once and for all! Or is there something more arcane being referred to there...?