Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Peek Inside My Overflowing Basket

Crazy lots going on right now. It's true. A few minutes ago I jotted down what was whizzing through my head before bed. Here's a quick taste:

1. Photographer details -- what can we sell so we can afford him?
2. New house needed for Vanessa and Lana -- to be moved into in a week. Hmm. My problem solving skills need to kick in and be of service.
3. Need to meet with Larissa regarding me moving into her house in a week. Probably should start getting boxes at some point.
4. Need to submit announcement for Battle of the Bands before 8:00 am tomorrow. Shoot. That means I need to get to school early. Means I need to get up really early if I plan on showering.
5. Peter needs the list of kids excused for second period for B. of B's sound check. It's in a pile on top of my assignment tower.
6. Freedom Session tomorrow night. Need to look over email to understand the details of the special communion thing we're doing. Probably should have gone to the meeting on Thursday night. Need to email Abigail. Need to do homework. Oh, and crap! It's gather the garbage day tomorrow -- recycling is out of control, too.
7. Taxes. Right. Should get on that this week. Sort of counting on the return for a big chunk of the wedding budget.
8. Need to pick up napkins and roasting bins on Tuesday for bbq at B of B.
9. Bunch of kids haven't written the unit test and report cards are due on Monday. To care or not to care, that is the question. I shall mark my brains out in the meantime.
10. Need to start inviting people to my birthday party for Saturday night. Need to think of a theme. Need to make sure house is clean.
11. Must figure out how to post video.
12. Need to confirm storing piano somewhere by next week. Andy needs to see the potential place we'll live, or find somewhere else for us.

If you're still reading this, I'm impressed. Maybe I should invest in a day planner instead of posting my schedule all over the internet. Twelve seemed like a good place to stop, because I think I'd get depressed/stressed looking at over a dozen items on a list. I feel more organized, though, just looking at the screen.

It's pretty nutty when you sit down and write out all the stuff that flies through your head all day long. I bet if you stopped and wrote down everything you were worrying about, or trying to remember, or problems you were trying to solve, you would quickly come up with a whole page, too. (I promise that if you posted it, I would spend some time reading it.) Actually, that probably only applies to women. The only thing men are thinking about right now is the Canucks.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, your life sounds um, hectic :) i hope you manage to hold it all together! my list is move this weekend and buy you a new bday present since a thief liked it too much...

Anonymous said...

Canucks? What are these things you call Canucks?

Anonymous said...

can i write your report card comments? i already asked my dad but he said no, i only wanted to be helpful...

Allana & Ian said...

Or the flames, in Ian's case.

beim said...

I'm only reading this because the Canucks are down 2-0 in Game 6.

Dawn & Stew said...

Cheryl, I do say that is a gross generalization of men. My man is busy loving his family and doing renovations in our house- and could care less about the Canucks! It is me who is keeping the tabs on how the team is doing.......