Monday, April 23, 2007

Marking My Day of Birth

No longer must I bear the imbalance of age 27. I have graduated to age 28 and have the grey hair to prove it. On Saturday the roommate (B'Nedda) and the feeeeeance (Chubs) threw me a little birthday party at our house ("our" being me and the girls -- just for clarification, in case you were worried for a moment that I was "living in sin").

The preliminary activities were as follows: mark for report cards. Yes, that's right, I marked all freaking day long in my living room on my birthday with my partner in crime, also known as The Heavy. We waded through words, music, ink, stickers, b.s. and maybe one Trinity yearbook. My exercise for the day consisted of multiple trips to the bathroom to release the urine so kindly brought to me by tea, water, and hops. I actually have footage of our marking party, but alas, it is at home, and I am at school. Perhaps I will post it later (I'm getting quite the line up of promised videos). It was a rockin' good time, though, let me tell you!

Then, for the main event: Bottenation 28. The theme was kid candy (because, as we all know, good parties have themes). We plaqued our teeth with the likes of SweetTarts, BottleCaps, Bubblicious, Nibs, Pez, Jell-O, Reese's Pieces, Fizz, jawbreakers, White Rabbits, and some other weird Aussie things. I love candy, which is in part why I have not gone to the dentist in 6 years. There was sooooo much food, too (a very special shout-out goes to the ice cream cake -- delicious). Eventually some of the party tricks crawled their way out of the woodwork and we experienced some hilarious moments (and none of them were because people were inebriated, just so you know). I love the purity of good, old-fashioned games. Uproarious laughter was littered throughout the evening in part due to:
  • Obscene amounts of sugar
  • Pregnant woman trying push-ups
  • Falling off of chairs face first
  • Licking the carpet
  • Learning that David is the most important character in the Bible and that Mohammed Ali was a wrestler
  • Being smacked in the behind with a broomstick
  • Unintentional comments that can be misconstrued intentionally
  • More falling off of chairs
  • Ripping jeans all the way up the bum
  • Blowing bubbles inside of bubbles
  • Bending your body in a way only professional gymnasts should attempt (or those who are married)
  • Needing to put your pants back on at the end of the evening

I'm sure there are more moments, but maybe if I leave some out, people will COMMENT.

I'd like to again say thanks to the people who made my birthday spectacular! spectacular! I am truly blessed!

All right, I really should get back to marking and whatnot. Reports are due in t-minus 16 hours, and I plan to sleep for at LEAST 8 of those. And procrastinate for maybe 4.

P.S. In case you are wondering what party tricks we played, I'll just say that one involves a broomstick, another a chair with a strategically placed candy, and yet another a cracker box. See, you don't need to go out and buy the fancy games like Cranium to have fun! (I have been against Cranium ever since having to hum "Sweet Home Alabama." Try it. If you dare.)


Anonymous said...

we just got a new computer and the bast aprt about it is the giant monitor. (it's huge and flatscreen and great for movies) even better than that is the cordless mouse and keyboard. last night i typed my essay from the living room while waching TV and could mostly see what i had written on the huge monitor in the next room. sigh i love multitasking.

bradj said...

Oh good grief, now you're going to have all kinds of people dashing over to lm to find out what kind of freaky stuff I have going on there. Hmmm, actually that's something I can roll with...

The challenge (a good one) is coming up with something that justifies the link.

Actually, this is probably just incentive to post pictures I took, right? Yeah, I'd say those are sufficiently freaky! :-)

Here's looking forward to Bottenation 2008! (Or will it have to go by another name...?)

bradj said...

Okay, pictures are up!

ps Can I just say how glad I am it wasn't Cranium!?

pps random student, you've really lived up to your name this time... :-)