Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Coming Clean

Some people shower daily. Some, every other daily. Still others, every other every other daily. I am of the every other daily camp, but mostly because I dilly dally daily.

I love to linger. In my bed. On the toilet. While brushing my teeth. While stirring my tea. Most times there just isn't time in all of that to shower, especially since (as we all know) the shower is a WONDERFUL place to linger. Sometimes it's important to quit while you're ahead. Plus, I have a whole theory on soap, but I will save that for another time.

Sometimes I tell people a little too much about myself. This trend sometimes raises its nasty wee head while I'm teaching. I remember a few years ago I explained my showering schedule to my students (yeah, yeah, I'm still not exactly sure WHAT compelled me to do that). I told them that they could always tell what day of my showering schedule I was on by my hair style. I was somehow born with the inability to create funky or beautiful hair styles, so I pretty much only have two. My rule of thumb goes as follows: clean hair worn down, dirty hair worn up (well, sometimes it's up just cuz I'm lazy and/or need it off my face). So, as usual, I went on with class and forgot all about that tidbit of information I had shared. A few years later, one of my students commented on my hair style, (which just happened to be a pony tail, and yes, was a little on the nasty side) and then proceeded to explain to me how he remembered all about my showering schedule, and asked me if I still adhered to it faithfully. Um, uhhh. I couldn't believe he remembered!! Yikes. I love how kids remember the important things we teach them in school.

So, where am I going with all of this? Oh, yes, showering. So, because of my report card heinousness, I especially did not shower this morning. I though nothing of it though, as this is quite common with me (and, let's face it, our head doesn't need all that nasty chemical crap, anyway).

In class today:
Student in back row says to girl in front of him: "It looks like she just rolled right out of bed and came to school."
Me (having overheard): "What!!! Did you just say I LOOK like I just rolled out of bed? What are you implying? That I look HORRIBLE?"

And then I went off for a bit, concluding with, yes, I did just roll out of bed and then come to school, but a woman NEVER wants to hear that people actually notice.

Ignorance is bliss, after all.


Anonymous said...

I don't remember ever hearing about your shower schedule, but to be fair i do remember that bananna chocolate chip muffins are your favorite, you wrote an extremely lame poem about your boyfriend in grade 12 (was his name caleb?) and you spent a night in France on a park bench. it is true students remember eveything about their teachers they WANT to remember. you probably don't want to know what else i remeber from a year spent with you you probably don't want to know and there's still all of next year. hehe

Anonymous said...

yea, i have problems with writing perhaps you could fix that for me

Anonymous said...

i have serious doubts whether the two of you should be allowed to talk.

enablers, that's what you are. but it is rather hilarious.

i am at home right now... and yes i should be in lecture. if someone would just tell me where my wallet is...