Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Homecoming

During the last week of school in devotions, the kids kept bringing up prayer requests for their family members travelling "home" for Christmas. Some were coming, some leaving. I started thinking of this whole idea of the homecoming, especially since I too would be travelling home for Christmas. And so I give you my journey home that began long before I left Langley.

My baking catastrophe. It's amazing that quickly scrawled baking directions could contain memories of home and smells of a yellow wallpapered kitchen with my mom in her orange "Oh to be single again" apron. You know, I don't even care that my treats didn't turn out. My kitchen transported me somewhere magical right in the middle of a chaotic week. That's gotta be worth $70.

A student returned home from the other side of Canada. She came in for a visit and it was so good to see how a few months away from home has changed her. Stretched her. Clarified so much for her. And I was thankful that my classroom seemed more at home with her in it once again, but this time with the roles reversed -- I learned that dredlocks can be maintained with crochet needles.

A Christmas potluck at a friend's. I remember realizing that I don't even have to knock when I enter her house. In fact, even when it's locked they have this fancy keypad thingy that unlocks the door for you if you know the code (which I remember 60% of the time). Not knocking is a sure sign of coming home. It's reinforced once immediate relaxation and warmth enter the body upon walking into the living room. One of the best feelings in the whole world has got to be standing in front of the fireplace with my feet finally getting warm again from the hot tiles, as I chit-chat across the room with those I love. (I just realized that this exact same situation happened to me today at my friend's house in Kamloops - weird)

Driving into my parents' driveway. Whenever I think of coming home, I always see my mom in the picture window, with her arm wildly waving and the biggest smile ever on her face. Usually she rushes out the door to help me bring in all of my stuff. If I were to look in the freezer, I'd see a pork roast waiting for my tummy, and pretty much most of my favourite food. YES!!

The Christmas classics. A huge table full of every delicious appy imaginable (including CREAM PUFFS!). Christmas Eve service with all the familiar faces and the all too familiar barbershop quartets. Getting yelled at to get out of bed (a text yell to boot). Coffee with eggnog. Stocking stuffers. Unwrapped, crinkled wrapping paper and discarded boxes and ribbons all over the floor so deep a small child could be lost in it for days. Super Scrabble with Aunty and Grandma (my grandma made a word that almost made me pee my pants in fright: porn). Far too much turkey and stuffing. Twiddling my thumbs. Looking at my presents. Watching a movie and curling up on the couch in a semi-concsious state. Purrrrrrrrrrrr.

There were only a few things missing, and let me tell you, they were sorely missed. I missed having to yell over and over, "Would you like a refill, Grandpa?" And I missed being overly conscious that we needed to have more Vegan friendly dishes. And I missed sharing a loveseat with a mini bony bum bum. And I missed my cousin's silly grin, and my other cousin's dimples. And I missed a hug from my special friend who smells like some sort of Old Spice, but mostly of home.

Ah, Homecoming, how I love thee.


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice Christmas and a good entry. I had a random thought at work today. Why do people spend money for the sake of spending money on boxing day? The day before people should have been enjoying their wealth with their family. i find it sick (though must admit was a little sick with it myself. Don't know how i feel about that)

Dawn & Stew said...

I am sorry that we couldn't meet together over Christmas or New Years :'(

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